Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Welcome all Beyonders

Welcome Beyonders ~ We have so much to share ~ so much to learn ~ so much to risk in opening up again and again. Let's keep the circle expanding in all of these ways. November 2008 - Hey that ain't a bad month to begin this Hot off the Heart blog. Add your voice
Thank you, Niyonu - a fellow Beyonder


Anonymous said...

I was amazed to see all of the dynamics of diversity taking place during the election of Obama. I wonder what others thought.

Anonymous said...

I meet occasionally with a group of teachers and diversity chairs from Philadelphia area schools. During our round table discussions I have learned that being stuck in the mode of doing diversity rather than weaving practices into the school's fabric is not unique to my school. Our faculty indulges us from time to time. Movement is slow as an avalanche - but it is there.